How Root Canal Treatment Can Save Your Smile

Every tooth is important. So, if your dentist offers root canal therapy as a alternative to extraction, go ahead with this reliable, effective procedure. At the Tallahassee office of Dr. James Walton III, and Dr. David Cardman, your dentist performs comfortable root canals sparing patients pain, tooth loss, and the problems associated with smile gaps. Learn more here.

What is root canal treatment?

In his Tallahassee practice, your dentist offers root canal treatment to patients just like you who have substantial dental damage, infection and inflammation of interior tooth pulp. Root canal therapy extracts damaged pulp from each of up to four narrow canals inside a tooth's roots.

Decay, trauma, abscess, multiple fillings, and other conditions often precipitate uncomfortable and tooth-threatening symptoms such as:

  • Pain upon biting and chewing
  • Dental sensitivity to cold and heat
  • Darkened gum tissue
  • Missing tooth structure
  • Drainage
  • Pus
  • Bad breath

Examination and X-rays confirm the need for root canal treatment. During this simple, two-appointment service, Dr. Walton III or Dr. Cardman opens the tooth, removes the pulp, disinfects the canals and seals each with a biocompatible putty.

Then, a temporary cap protects the tooth while a customized porcelain crown is fabricated. After about a week of healing, you come back to the office for installation of the permanent crown. That completes the root canal procedure.

Most patients say that getting a root canal is no more difficult than getting a filling. Plus, they are grateful for relief from pain and other symptoms associated with a weak and failing tooth.

What to expect for the long-term

Expect your tooth to last for many years--even the rest of your life, says the American Association of Endodontists. Your tooth will look and act perfectly natural.

Regarding care, just brush two times a day and floss at least one time daily. See your Dr. Cardman or Dr. Walton III, every six months for a check-up and professional cleaning to keep the margins of your porcelain crown free of plaque and tartar. Finally, enjoy your renewed smile!

Save your smile

Root canal therapy may be what you need to accomplish that important goal. So call our Tallahassee, FL, office to learn more: (850) 893-2136.

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